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제 10 호 Do you Agree for Extra Points for Discharged Soldiers?

  • 작성일 2021-05-28
  • 좋아요 Like 3
  • 조회수 16152


Do you Agree for Extra Points for Discharged Soldiers?

Natural Right or Reverse Discrimination?

By Dong- wook Kim, Editor


  Discussions on the pros and cons of whether extra points for the discharged soldiers should be given in South Korea have continued since 2001. Of course, the policy has been abolished, but the issue is floating on the surface because of two hundred thousand people agreeing on a petition about both men and women serving the military service. Is giving out extra points policy for the discharged soldiers a fair right that they can take? Or since there are beneficiaries, is it a reverse discrimination for the members of society?

Most of the Soldiers are Discharged with Nothing

  Most of the soldiers in Korea do not volunteer to go to the military. Who would want to lose their freedom? However, as an armistice country it is one of the duties for men to serve in the military for 18 months. Thus, it is a nation’s obligation to benefit the discharged soldiers. The average age of the soldiers is in their 20s which is the age that their peers are preparing to advance to the society to do economic activities. Extra points are the least thing that the country can reward to the soldiers who lost their youths.

  In addition, the extra points policy can encourage the ones who are serving in the military and prevent soldiers from avoiding entering the service. The fundamental reason that people avoid military duty is that they are not getting any rewards from it. When extra points for the soldiers are carried out, youth will agree to go to the military and it can promote morale to the ones who are serving.

Soldiers Waiting in a line to finish their duties

  Some of the opinion say that we can provide other rewards to these discharged soldiers. However, the financial problem can occur if the soldiers get paid. Since the populism of the welfare going on in the country, an astronomical amount of debt exists. Thus, the policy without supporting economically can be a wise choice.

What about People Who Cannot Go to the Military?

  Extra point for the discharged soldiers is unconstitutional. The court has already made a decision that this policy brings reverse discrimination to women and the ones who do not have to serve in the military. Therefore, it is a consumptive controversy to make it as a law again. 

  As was said before, the policy can bring serious discrimination to the opposite camp. Comparing the percentage of employment of the served and not served applicants there is a 12.9% gap. This shows that extra points policy is not just a small reward that the soldiers can receive but a big disadvantage for the other applicants.

  Military also help soldiers to enjoy their hobbies and gain academic experiences. From around the 2010s, the military is providing book benefits to soldiers and spare time for them to study their majors. Soldiers have the privilege to select their duties in the military, which most of the university students choose something which has to do with their majors. Falling behind because of entering the military is just an excuse that cannot be recognized.

  Along with the policy that both men and women should perform military service, the social discussion is getting heightened. There has been a controversy on both genders should have the duty to serve the country as a soldier along with the extra points for discharged soldiers. This opinion insists that all the people in the country should be able to fight back when the war occurs plus, all the volunteered soldiers will be rewarded with the extra point. Both opinions about the extra point should be respected, and most importantly, the policy should not be biased to one group.